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Step 1

Assigning a Dedicated Airfare Specialist

After you enquire via our website or phone, you will be assigned a dedicated airfare specialist to work with throughout your entire journey with us. From here, we start to form an initial picture of your basic outline of dates and destinations. We’ve gathered the right questions to ask from many combined years of booking flights. Flat Beds gives you that dedicated point of contact through the process, rather than having to book and speak directly with the airline. We’re only an email or call away at any point, with a 1 business day service guarantee.

Step 2

Our Complimentary Consulting Phase

One of our main goals at Flat Beds for booking your travel is to deliver value. Value is different to everyone and is a combination of factors including service, time leverage, price, product quality, connections and frequent flyer benefits. Due to those factors, your airfare specialist will work on presenting a number of airline options to meet your requirements. This process can include some back and forth emails or phone calls to be able to fine tune a preferred option for your flights, within a maximum of 2 hours time commitment.

Step 3

Confirming Your Booking

After setting up your profile and holding in flights to generate the invoice, a deposit of $220 per person is due to confirm your booking. If you need additional options and rework past the initial complimentary consultation stage, 50% of the deposit is due to extend the consultation period before the balance of the deposit is payable to confirm the flight booking. This is dependent on the amount of work required and can be discussed with your travel consultant. Deposits are non refundable but are credited towards your booking within 14 days.

Not ready to confirm right now but keen to look at another set of flights down the track or for a different trip? Not a problem at all, an additional initial consultation and set of flight options can be prepared for each client before 50% of the deposit is due to continue from there.

Step 4

Final Payment and Ticketing

Once your deposit is paid and your preferred flights are booked, you will be provided with the final invoice for payment. Once paid, your airfare specialists will be able to finalise your booking and issue your tickets. If you have to change your trip after ticketing, then you can reach out to your dedicated airfare specialists to assist you with the ticket change process subject to availability and reissue fees as outlined with your booking terms.

Step 5

Post-Booking Support

The great news is, in addition to our integrated app with live booking access and flight notifications, your consultant is on hand from start to finish for any questions or additional servicing. Our team will check in with you via email approximately 2 weeks prior to your departure date with a pre-departure checklist. This email is designed to remind you to check you have arranged your own visas, travel insurance and other essential travel requirements. Please see your eTicket email for specifics. If you have any issues that come up during your trip which means you need to change your flights, then you can reach out to your airfare specialists to help with your options. If it is an emergency outside of business hours, we have an after hours support team with details available on our Contact page.

Want to know more about why you should book through Flat Beds?
Head over to our Points Of Difference page to see more.