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07 Aug 2019
New Emirates Celebratory Menu
To celebrate Eid Al Adha Emirates is offering a special inflight menu from 11th to the 14th of August. Eid Al Adha is one of the most significant dates in the Islamic calendar and celebrated with friends and family.

To celebrate Eid Al Adha Emirates is offering a special inflight menu from 11th to the 14th of August. Eid Al Adha is one of the most significant dates in the Islamic calendar and celebrated with friends and family.

As a way of celebrating the holiday, the Eid menu will bring a touch of Middle Eastern hospitality to the inflight meals. Forrey & Galland chocolates presented in a specially designed box will be served to all Emirates passengers during the celebration.

Chocolates will be offered to all customers

In First and Business Class, customers will have the choice of Lamb or Chicken Ouzi, a rice dish served with slow-cooked meat and roasted nuts and raisins. On African and European routes a special Emirati-style King Fish with rice will also be served. These delicious meals are finished off with a choice of Arabic desserts including chocolate fondant with Ice cream, date and almond nammoura made from semolina or khabees served with Arabic coffee sauce and pistachio cream.

Lamb Ouzi served in Business Class
A selection of Emirati pastries

As a global airline, Emirates celebrates events from all over the world and incorporates seasonal and regional flavours into its menus, both onboard and in its worldwide lounges.

Next month Emirates will be celebrating the Mid-Autumn festivals and the Hindu holiday of Onam on selected flights with a special menu featuring vegetable sambar, and chicken sukka with palada pradhaman and traditional moon cakes for dessert.

To book you next Emirates flight contact our airfare consultants today.