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07 Jan 2020
Qantas First Class LAX Lounge Review
Take a look inside the Qantas First Class Lounge at Los Angeles, LAX airport.

Take a look inside the Qantas First Class Lounge at Los Angeles, LAX airport. Located Airside departures on level 5, the lounge is a great oasis from the hustle and bustle of La's busy LAX airport.

Qantas First Class Lounge LAX

Related: Read our Qantas A380 First Class Review

The lounge is a long L Shape with various seating areas including lounging or dining, as well as window views overlooking the terminal.

Qantas First Class Lounge LAX - Lounge Seating
Qantas First Class Lounge LAX - Seating options
Qantas First Class Lounge LAX - Casual seating with terminal views

Along the side of the lounge is the signature Qantas marble bar featuring a full bar as well as an onsite barista making coffees to order.

Qantas First Class Lounge LAX - Marble Bar

Self serve drinks and snacks are also available with multiple self-serve stations positioned throughout the lounge.

Self serve drinks in the Qantas LAX First Class Lounge
Self serve drinks in the Qantas LAX First Class Lounge

Those wishing to dine can order from the Qantas Kitchen and take a seat in the dining room, alternatively casual dining including sandwiches and small bites is also available.

Qantas LAX First Class Lounge Dining
Qantas LAX First Class Lounge Menu
Qantas LAX First Class Lounge Rueben Sandwich

At the end of the lounge are bathrooms and shower suites to refresh before boarding or while in transit.

Qantas LAX First Class Lounge Shower Suites

To book your first class Qantas flights to the USA, contact our Expert Airfare Consultants.