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01 Mar 2020
Qantas Fly Away USA Sale
Qantas flights to the USA are on sale to 9 March 2020! Book now and pay less for business class and first class flights. Enjoy fully flat beds in business class from $5599 and the ultimate luxury in first class from $11499.

Qantas 2020 USA Sale!
Qantas flights to the USA are on sale to 9 March 2020! Book now and pay less for business class and first class flights. Enjoy fully flat beds in business class from $5599 and the ultimate luxury in first class from $11499.

Book by 9 March 2020.


Business Class return flights
Los Angeles from $5599
San Francisco from $5599

Travel dates: 19 May - 29 May 2020, 10 June - 31 December 2020. Weekend Surcharges apply. Subject to availability.

Book by: 9 March 2020


First Class return flights
Los Angeles from $11499

Travel dates: 17 April - 25 December 2020. Weekend Surcharges apply. Subject to availability.

Book by: 9 March 2020