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31 Aug 2017
Qantas To Fly Sydney - Singapore - London
Qantas will no longer fly Sydney - Dubai - London, replacing it instead with Sydney - Singapore - London!

Qantas will no longer fly Sydney - Dubai - London, replacing it instead with Sydney - Singapore - London!

The change to the daily flight will come into effect from March 25th 2018, with the A380 service replacing one of the airline's existing Sydney - Singapore services, currently operated by an A330.

The change comes into effect a day after the inaugural Melbourne - Perth - London Dreamliner flight takes off.

Related: Qantas Dreamliner services

The move heralds the end of Qantas flights to Dubai, instead the airline is leaving that route to be operated by their partner Emirates who fly 77 times a week between Australia and the UAE. Qantas and Emirates agreed this morning to extend their partnership for a further 5 years.

The new routes mean there are now 3 hub options for Qantas passengers travelling to the UK/Europe with the option of Perth, Dubai (with Emirates) or Singapore.

To book your Qantas business class flights to the UK contact our Flat Beds Airfare Consultants.