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23 Nov 2017
Top 10 Visited Cities 2017
These are the Top 10 most visited cities in 2017 according the Mastercard 2017 Global Destination Cities Index. have you ticked them all off your List?

These are the Top 10 most visited cities in 2017 according the Mastercard 2017 Global Destination Cities Index. have you ticked them all off your List?

10. Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul's famous Blue Mosque.

9. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

8. New York, USA

The famous Brownstones of New York.

7. Seoul, South Korea

The Lotte World Trade Tower in Seoul, South Korea.

6. Tokyo, Japan

Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan

5. Singapore

The iconic Merlion of Singapore

4. Dubai, UAE

The famous Burj Al Arab in Dubai UAE.

3. Paris, France

Paris, France

2. London, UK

Cobblestone laneways of London, UK

1. Bangkok, Thailand

Number 1 most visited city in 2017, Bangkok, Thailand