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06 Jun 2017
United Dreamliner Singapore - LA
United Airlines are Set to commence a direct flight from Singapore to LA starting October 27th 2017.

United Airlines are Set to commence a direct flight from Singapore to LA starting October 27th 2017.

The flight, which will be the longest direct flight into the US, will be operated by a 787 Dreamliner and will take 15 - 17 hours depending on the direction. The daily service will depart Singapore at 11am, arriving at LAX the same day, and depart LA at 8:55pm, arriving back in Singapore at 6:50am (2 days later). The flight to Los Angeles has been scheduled to provide optimal connections from United’s LAX hub to more than 20 US cities.

Business class passengers will enjoy United’s highly anticipated Polaris business class, the airline’s new luxurious reinvention of business class with bedding from Saks 5th Avenue and a focus on inflight sleep.

> Read more about Polaris Business Class.

Polaris business class passengers will also have access to the United Club lounge in Los Angeles and the SATS Premier Lounge in Singapore, with the Polaris lounge in LA anticipated to open late 2017.

United Club Lounge, LAX

To book business class flights with United Airlines contact your Flat Beds Airfare Consultant.